Travelling Light II (2015)

fl/bs fl, cl/bs cl, as, sopr,  vn, vlc, pno, perc, gtr (7’30)
Premiered at Henie Onstad Art Center by Ensemble neoN, Dec 2015 


Version 2 (2015/2018)
 fl/bs fl, ob, cl/bs cl, bsn, vn, vlc, pno, perc, gtr,
Premiered at KLANG festival (DK) by Oslo Sinfonietta, May 2018


Text by Jenny Hval:

The piece begins with flickering light. Kristine Tjøgersen’s Travelling Light II might take place inside a camera lens, continuously alternating its setting allowing shifting amounts of light enter the aperture. Still, I don’t think of light when I listen. Instead, I imagine one of the animated short films of Jan Svankmajer, where real human bodies turn into humanlike collages of scrap metal, vegetables, or plasticine. It’s beautiful and visceral. I flicker back and forth between my real and imagined body, living and dead tissue.

Travelling Light I (2014)

fl/picc fl, cl/cb cl, bsn, db and video (7'30)

WP at Sonic Festival, Copenhagen (DK) 2014

Travelling Light  is shaped by a film of traffic headlights passing through dark tunnels, taking cues from the rhythms and colours of the endlessly moving lights.

TRAVELLING LIGHT I (2014) from Kristine Tjøgersen on Vimeo.
Music in the movie performed by:

Hanne Rekdal - Piccolo Flute and Bassoon
Kristine Tjøgersen - Bb Clarinet and Contrabass Clarinet
Ola Høyer - Contrabass